B's Garbage can was created with ResEditâ„¢ 2.1.1. It is meant to replace some of the STR#'s in the Finder 7.1 file and some of the icl8's, icl4's, and ICN#'s in the system file in any system.
B's Gabage Can changes the name of the "Trash" to "Garbage," not only on the icon, but everywhere the word "Trash" would normally appear.
Other nice little features are that when you go to "Empty Trash" you will now be "Dumping Garbage." There are several little changes that you will notice as well.
In addition, your Trash icons will be new and improved icons. They will be more modern looking. Also, when you have something in the Garbage, you will actually see stuff coming out of the garbage. I think it looks kinda cool.
The STR# resources were created with system 7.1 in mind and should only be used with System 7.1. You can still use the icl8's, icl4's and ICN# resources with any system. You can go through the STR# resource of your finder if it is pre-7.1 and change the resources manually. I will list the resources to look through later.
First, open the B's Garbage can file using ResEdit. You will see four different resources. Open the STR# resouce. There will be four items there as well.
Next, open a copy of the finder file from you system folder. Open the STR# resource.
Copy the four resources of the STR# from the B's Garbage can file to the STR# resource of the finder file. When asked if you want to replace the resources with the same ID#, click OK.
Now go to a copy of your system file. Open the icl8 resources from both the system and the B's garbage can file. Copy the two resources from B's Garbage can to the system file. Click OK when you want to replace them with the same ID #'s.
Do the same with the icl4's and the ICN# resources.
Put the original System and finder files in a safe place just in case something does go wrong and put the changed files into your system folder. When you restart, you will have a nicer smelling Garbage Can!!!!
If you want to change the STR# resource of a pre-7.1 finder, use ResEdit to open the STR# resource in a copy of your finder. Scan through STR# ID's:
Wherever you see the word "Trash," change it to "Garbage." Put the changed file in place of the old and restart.
If you like this file, E-mail Berko: AOL
Use this file at your own risk. I do not accept any responsibility should my garbage can trash your system. (Get the pun?)